Skin Rejuvenation Technology

In the last decade alone, there have been a number of breakthroughs in skin rejuvenation technology to help us give you the best results in Cosmetic Medicine. Dr Martin has employed the very best of these at the Harley Place Day Surgery.

Each technology has been tried and tested and provides you with security and safety during your treatment. If you have any questions, about any of the below technologies, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Fractionated CO2 laser:
This is a carbon dioxide laser that accurately removes skin layers to create the highest degree of skin tightening available in a single treatment. This proven technique drastically reduces recovery time compared to traditional skin rejuvenation techniques as the skin can regenerate quicker.

Thermage is a non-invasive treatment that delivers tighter skin, renewed facial contours and healthier collagen. The Thermage procedure employs a patented radiofrequency technology called ThermaCool. The incision-free procedure is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from normal activities.

CO2 Laser:
The traditional CO2 laser is still effective at vaporising lines, wrinkles, scars, dark spots and other irregularities, layer by layer. This process also stimulates the formation over time of new, underlying collagen to provide better elasticity and support for the skin.

If you want to see how this Skin Rejuvenation technology can help you, then contact Dr Martin at Harley Place Day Surgery. By using this technology, we can use our experience and expertise in facial rejuvenation to give you a pleasing, professional result that lasts. Contact us for a consultation.