Brow Lifts

How is a brow lift procedure performed?
Based on variations in how men and women age and on new advances in medical technology, different methods are used to perform this procedure. Elevation of the brow can be performed directly above the eyebrow, the mid-forehead or through the lid incision during eyelid reduction (blepharoplasty). As baggy upper eyelids can be caused by sagging of the eyebrows, Dr Martin may elect to perform a brow lift procedure in conjunction with blepharoplasty.

The brows can also be lifted by keyhole (endoscopic) surgery and the incisions are, in this case, made within the hairline. All these procedures utilise the use of CO2 Laser in order to minimise swelling and bruising.

What can I expect after surgery?
You will experience a certain amount of swelling and bruising in the week following surgery. In some patients, this may include the cheek and eye area as well as the forehead. You should keep your head elevated and use cold compresses in order to reduce swelling. As the incisions heal, you may experience some numbness as well as itching, both of which usually settle early in the post-operative period.

The sutures are removed within 10 days and the bandages within 3 days following surgery. It is important to follow Dr Martins advice on resuming normal activities. For most patients, the recovery time will not exceed 7-10 days but patients may be advised to avoid strenuous activities for longer periods. Makeup may be used to hide any prolonged bruising.